Company formation. Accounting services.

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     Accounting services

Company offers accounting services and accounting consultations concerning with accountancy of tax and personnel. We realize full financial analysis of accountancy and timely notification of manager about any risk which endanger successful development of business. Company also manages making accounting reports, all necessary accounting documents and delivering them to Governmental revenue service and other institutions. We make and deliver also all necessary accounting reports for Bureau of statistics of the Republic of Latvia.

If you go for accounting services in Company, we take consequences for accuracy and punctuality of accounting services in Your Company and in accordance with all regulations of accounting. Delegating accounting to us you will save up on personnel, working place and qualification courses in accounting for employee, without which professional accounting is impossible.

Accounting services we offer include:

- Accountancy in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Latvia
- Analysis of the primary documentation.
- Drawing up of all necessary reports (declaration) and submitting them to the territorial office of the Governmental revenue service.
- Representation in Governmental revenue service.
- Drawing up bookkeeping organization documents.
- Verification of payments with dealing partners.
- Calculation of the salary.
- Working with source documents, entering them into registers.
- Calculating of prime cost of products and services.
- Consultations on questions about accounting.
- Drawing up of all internal documents according to legislation.
- Tax optimization.

If you need legal or accounting services or consultations, please feel free to contact us:

Tel. (371) 29 112 333 (EN, LV, RU)


Company formation.                                      Accounting services.